It's flooding in Norfolk. I had to leave my motorcycle at work and get a ride home, or surely my body would be laying in the middle of the street somewhere. Regularly I have intervals of such pondering: I could die today. My expansive imagination proceeds to play out various memorial service scenarios, none of which will resemble the actual thing should it happen any time soon. Where would they even have it? I've left my mark on communities in Portland, Orlando, NYC, and now Norfolk, while my family (mostly) lives in none of these places. Even if all of my various circles somehow managed to come together (Facebook funeral!), they still probably wouldn't be laughing like I'd want them to be. They probably wouldn't actually treat it like a rock concert and get Norma Jean to play... nor would anyone come dressed up as a llama. Some might insist my current life's work get referenced with a request that I be honored with meatless meals on the anniversary of my death. Who knows who may try to sweep that one under the rug...
They'll probably play some weepy slideshow with a song I would roll my eyes at, followed by a sermon about God's perfect timing. So here, officially (is there anything more official than one's blog), I insist: Do not do this.
No sermons. No service. No featured slideshows. No sappy songs.
Have a party.
So I have some questions.
1. Who are you mad at right now and why haven't you spoken with them?
2. Who do you know that is needy right now, and why haven't you given to them?
3. What makes you so angry, and why haven't you done anything about it?
And of course, a veg shout-out:
4. Why do you think it's OK to eat a pig and not a dog?
American Beauty is a stupid movie. So is Crash, and so is Closer. They're stupid because they tell you what to think and feel, lacking the confidence in their audience to let them decide. It's insulting.
This blog is ridiculous. And Firstfaith311 remains anonymous. I'm still hopeful that it was not a family member, or even a friend, but some random Churchian. Daily, I become more and more convinced that the church is more interested in itself than the message of Christ. I don't think most people realize how radical Jesus' message is. Things like forgiveness, generosity, humility, tending to the poor, giving more than we're asked to give, turning the other cheek (how many Churches voiced opposition to the war in Iraq?), are I think, foreign ideas to most church attenders.
Though I wouldn't support any church's campaign against gay marriage, I would respect one a little more were it to pursue divorce just as fervently. These campaigns are, after all, claiming to defend the sanctity of marriage.
With the beauty of Pandora, and my long hours on the computer at work, I've been discovering a lot of new music lately. Some of my new favorite bands include Hammock, Mogwai, Mono, The Weepies, The Sounds, and Metrics.
I don't know if I can ever get married, though I hope to be convinced otherwise one day.
I empathize strongly with anyone suffering. It will be the death of me. Natural disasters, broken families, severed relationships... I want to take every hurting being by the shoulder (or paw) and trade my beating heart for their broken one. Especially touching for me is when these creatures can't speak for themselves, which explains my compassion for animals.
I probaby wouldn't tell you any of this in real life, but I'm enjoying this blog entry.
Your assignments:
Listen: Iron & Wine- Faded From the Winter
The Weepies- The World Spins Madly On
Hammock- Mono No Aware
See: The second trailer to the Jaquin Phoenix narrated Earthlings.
Visit: letsbefriends.blogspot.com
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