Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Love You, I Do

Your love needs me to stay, demands I leave. Routine circulates our blood habitually, and under rocks we find comfort in what's just there at arms' length. I can encompass you; I can die here, smashed, obliterated by a rogue meteor, seducing the atmosphere with poetic romance like the heartbreaker it is, and I can smile. Oh, that smile of yours -making waves across your face- its warmth is deceptive almost, given its ferocity. Were its operation not love, I'd mind my vicinity more carefully as to avoid the marks it surely would leave me with. Oh, who am I kidding? I collect battle wounds.

Who knows what the hell you're talking about, I just like watching those lips move. Flirtatious and carefully choreographed, they dance with your tongue and teeth, saying so much more than your words ever could. I'm not quiet, I'm entranced. I feign boredom but it's fascination. I seem somewhere else because I am- and it's not sitting across from you, nor is it conversation that we're lost in.

And damn, I feel strong again. Whatever pain was in my hands is gone now. Whatever words choked my speech I've forgotten. Whatever fear crippled my advance has vanished. Whatever cold slowed by blood flow... Whatever fatigue grasped my muscles... The ocean couldn't tear you from me. Strong enough to set you on shore, I can't stay here...

Our hearts are electric. Mine glows through my chest and the little hairs on your arms and neck stand up when I touch you. The energy is enough so that you can feel me long after I have gone. You'll speak to me as if I were lying next to you. You'll hear me singing in the next room. You'll stare out over the waves at me in my little boat, only I won't be there. Sadness will cripple you but you'll count to 5, finding yourself more alive than you knew you could be.

Caged and bored and locked inside my heart she couldn't breathe, her wings were useless and she dreamed of gliding over currents in the sky. She dipped her head in the darkness, and sang muffled, mournful songs for her brothers and sisters and lovers sentenced to live out their lives in her memory. And I, if I am strong, cannot keep her here. Only the truly callous, deadened spirits could keep trapped a beauty like this...

Keep her warm. Keep her safe. Let her teach you how to read the wind.

1 comment:

Knux said...

I'm drawn to the emptiness of paragraph four. Your energy you speak of plays tricks with my mind and soon I will go crazy being in love with you.