Saturday, August 8, 2009

How She Makes Me Feel

I wonder who I will become.

Twice, a whole 8 days into my new career, have I broken down, overcome with sorrow. Strange things get to me: it wasn't so much watching a bear have her skin torn from her body, but seeing her blink afterwords. What horrible, unimaginable pain she must have endured, and all for a fucking fashion statement. I saw them forcing things into the mouths of little monkeys, but it was watching one of them look up at his torturers, panicked in his breathing, pleading with his eyes, innocent like a child... it's no wonder so many of the people I work with can no longer believe in a merciful, loving God. I can't really blame them.

Right now I don't know if I can do this. I know I have to do this, and I know I can survive this, but... she's going to change me. I've always been attracted to sadness, and I fear that somehow these particular horrors are going to fill me with such a rage, while dulling my capacity for love.

Will God save me?

What you may not realize is that my heart for animals is fully God-given. What I wish you would appreciate is the fact that these are His creatures, His magnificent works and He loves them each. As a people of peace, we have no place contributing to suffering, pain, misery, torture, abuse, or violence of any kind. Honestly, I feel that among so many of us God is only God when our stomachs are full. So many of us are aware of this terrible reality, yet unwilling to make even the slightest adjustment should it pose the tiniest inconvenience. The apathy makes my blood boil.

I can't pin the horrible atrocities of man on God. But in one year, if there is any love for mankind left in my heart, it will be indeed because God is love- it will be only His strength and boundless compassion that enables me to love. If not, well... the implications are too much to consider given the weight I've got tugging at my heart.

I've seen enough in one week to despise humanity for a lifetime. And I'll pray that God teaches me to love as He does, but I won't shed one tear when He reigns His judgment down. When the wave comes, when the earth shakes, when the virus turns us all into zombies... when that meteor hits, and the world runs amok in panic, I'll be stretched out on the rooftop with a colf Hef, smiling.

We deserve hell, all of us. None of us are good people. And for you Christians who find yourself objecting to those statements: read your Bibles- they'll tell you the same thing, and in language just as plain.

So who will I become?

She used to make me laugh. Now she makes me sad.


firstfaith311 said...

"Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things. "----Genesis 9:3

Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters. One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. The man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not, and the man who does not eat everything must not condemn the man who does, for God has accepted him. WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE SOMEONE ELSE'S SERVENT? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.
Romans, Chapter 14

The Mighty Llama said...

Um, I'm not sure who you are, but these are cowardly, convenient arguments and it's shameful that you're using scripture is such a way.

I doubt you're willing to torture an animal. I doubt you're even willing to kill an animal. But you're perfectly OK, and will even use the Bible to argue your case, with paying someone else to torture and kill animals to satisfy your appetite.

I doubt you'd eat your dog. I bet you'd think it shocking if someone killed and ate their dog, or if a supermarket sold ground up dog meat. Yet you use scripture: Every moving thing... and I'm sure you're fine with a pork roast, even though pigs are far more intelligent, and just as capable of pain and suffering, as a canine. Seriously, do you have a dog? If you can't imagine eating your dog, then you should seriously reflect on why you think it's OK to kill and eat any other animal. Especially when there is ZERO necessity for it in this day and age, given all the alternatives.

This has nothing to do with faith. Go visit, watch the movie Earthlings, and then come to me with a decent argument.

The Mighty Llama said...

I mean fuck. Seriously. I'm not even talking about eating meat. I'm talking about a LIFE of SUFFERING, MISERY, TORTURE, and PAIN that these creatures, loved by God, have to endure.

And here you are vomiting irrelevant scriptures at me. Go find a verse where Jesus says to cram little, defenseless animals into filthy cages and get back to me. Go find out where the Bible permits torture and abuse.

This is why people don't like Christians.

Try this on for size:

The Garden of Eden, God's perfect world, was vegetarian (Gen. 1:29-30). Immediately, God calls this ideal and non-exploitative relationship "good" (Gen. 1:31). There follow many years of fallen humanity, when people held slaves, waged war, ate animals and committed various other violent acts. But the prophets tell us that the peaceable kingdom will be nonviolent and vegetarian; even the lion will lie down with the lamb (e.g., Isaiah 11).

Knux said...

This person obviously doesn't get anything you wrote. Also, you weren't even talking about not eating meat. Default and irrelevant argument, firstfaith311.